Readers Custom Phone Wallet Case
Readers Custom Phone Wallet Case
Money Back Guarantee
Money Back Guarantee
Enhance your shopping experience with peace of mind! Our commitment to your satisfaction is unwavering, and we back it up with our unbeatable guarantee.
Please provide a photo of the product if you encounter any defects, issues, or if you are dissatisfied with your purchase (in 24 - 48 hours), and we will promptly initiate a full refund for you.
Free Returns
Free Returns
In case there are any defects with the product, send us the photo of the product in 24 to 48 hours and we'll provide you with a full refund.
Shipping Info
Shipping Info
Due to the incredible demand for our products, please allow approximately:
- 1 to 3 weeks for delivery within the United States.
- 2 to 3 weeks for delivery to the Rest of the World (to ensure a safe arrival).
Rest assured, your wait will be worth it, and you can track your order every step of the way. We offer worldwide shipping to cater to our valued customers from around the globe.
Thank you for choosing us for your shopping needs. We're here to serve you with quality, reliability, and a commitment to your satisfaction. Shop with confidence and enjoy the convenience of our exceptional products. Your trust in us is our driving force!
3000+ Happy Customers
3000+ Happy Customers
We are a family of 3000+ and we believe in 100% customer satisfaction. Should you have any questions, mail us at and we'll answer you in 24 hours.
'There's a million books I haven't read but just you phone wallet case'
Environmentally-friendly, leather-like case material with hybrid durable strap.
RFID protection material built in.
Ships worldwide. Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery.